Build & Express Your Power:
2-Day Experience
The “Build and Express Your Power” Experience includes empowering our souls together, through caravan – our community.
A lot of us feel like we’re all alone on our growth path. I have been blessed with community who helped me along, and now, I’m working on bringing together beautiful souls to empower and encourage each other.
This 2 day event brings this experience to the greater Atlanta community, after years of offering this in the various communities I’ve had the honor of living and serving in.
It includes empowerment in body, mind, and spirit, using:
– meditation,
– martial arts,
– music,
– dance,
– energy cleansing,
– nourishing food and water, and
– everything in between.
This experience empowers us to:
1) build and internalize our internal power, and
2) express our power with community – our caravan – to feel how being seen and heard supports and helps us grow.
P.S. You don’t have to be a dancer to come!!
The only “requirement” is wanting to be open to fun, joy, growth, and a good time.